Ivor Botha – Less is More
God can change our hearts if we let him. We make the small changes he asks us to make, while he makes the big changes we cannot.
Society believes more is better (more cars, belongings, money etc). We want to grab as much as we can just in case.
Ecclesiastes 4:6 "Better one handful with tranquillity than two handfuls with toil and chasing after the wind". When we grab too much we waste it.
When is less more? Imagine someone who has a short time to live. What will be most important to them?
So much of our time and energy is taken up in the pursuit of things we don't have. We have all kinds of greedy desires.
Cut back. Clothes, etc. Luke 12:15 "Life does not consist in an abundance of possessions". Try go a day/ week without spending any money. Less stuff and more friends/ time with your family/ a clearer mind.
Say no for a short while so you can say yes for eternity.
Clear out. Luke 12:22 Don't worry about everyday life. Declutter your schedule/ house/ your heart & mind. Don't be sentimental. Make your goal: if you buy one, give one away.
Pay off. Credit cards and debt. Owing money to the bank stresses you out. Pay off your car/ clothes/ house.
Quote: "The richest person is not the one who has the most stuff but the one who needs the least".
Watch the full message (it starts at 39 minutes) here.