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Journey to the Cross, Part 4—Justin Renton

April 20, 2022

Summary of sermon:

Mark 15 :1—15 The Trial, Crucifixion Resurrection

  1. The trial—Where envy triumphed over justice

Jesus's trial broke many rules of the Jewish criminal justice system.

Verse 10 Envy=they coveted/wanted Jesus's position

Envy put Jesus on the cross.  Do you envy anybody (their position in life or work; popularity, possessions)?

2. Mark 15:16—32 The Crucifixion —Where love triumphed over pain

Beaten, flogged (many people died just from the flogging), mocked and crucified, Jesus walked to let you and I know he loves us deeply; to make it possible for us to have a relationship with God.

Satan's biggest lie to us is that we don't matter to God, yet God paid the price for us by sending his son, Jesus, to the cross. There was no higher price he could pay.

3.The Resurrection — Where hope triumphed over despair

Mark 16:1–8 The Cross is a message of hope. God can turn darkness into light; he took the worst man could offer, and turned it into victory.

What are you facing today that feels hopeless? For example, conflict in a relationship, a job you hate, a health challenge?

Remember the Cross. He can turn the darkest situation/despair into hope.

Remember Jesus' journey to the Cross and see how much he loves you.

Watch the full service and sermon (it starts at 32 minutes) here.

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