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How Great is Our God, Part 3—by Justin Renton

Aug 29, 2022

Sermon summary:

God's justice and mercy

Genesis 19: 10–20 Lot dragged his feet. Yet God was merciful to him and rescued his children from bad situations.

Deuteronomy 4:23–31 Be careful not to forget the Lord. Business and success became their priority If you obey the Lord you will find him. He took them into exile, but still took care of them.

If you've lost your awe for God, or allowed sin to come into your heart; he will forgive you when you confess and repent.

Mercy=A disposition to be compassionate or forgiving to others.

Psalm 69:16 out of his great mercy and love. We don't appeal to God because of our goodness, but his goodness. We all need mercy.

Micah 7:18–19 God delights in showing mercy.

What are the implications?

  1. We need to trust in God's plentiful, and abundant mercy. When Satan reminds you of your past, you go ahead and remind him of his future.
  2. We need to show mercy to others. Luke 6:36 just as our heavenly Father is merciful. We need to act the same by taking on God's. What's my bias/disposition–judgmental & self-righteous or do you treat others with compassion & mercy? 

Watch the full sermon here (it starts at 34mins)

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