Blog Post

How Great is Our God, Part 2—by Justin Renton

Aug 22, 2022

Sermon summary:

Job 9: 1–6 Job lost perspective of who God was. He lost all he owned in one day, had his children die in one swoop; his health suffered, his reputation was shot. Yet he kept his view of God pure. He saw how amazing he is.

Look up and see. Examine what he has made.

Sometimes we pray expecting God to come through and he doesn't. How do we respond?

We cannot argue or disrespect him.

Job 36:26 The numbers of His years are infinite. Eternity is hard to grasp.

Isaiah 55:8–9 God's ways are greater than ours.

Hardship make us look up at God. We don't understand why but have to trust him.

Decide to Trust God:

  1. In the good and bad
  2. With the easy and hard scriptures.
  3. With your past and your future.

Watch the full service here (the sermon starts at 42mins)

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