Blog Post

Part 1: Whose Money is it Anyway?—by Ivor Botha and Bridget Mokoteli

April 17, 2023

Sermon summary:

Ivor: Whose money is It Anyway? God is in control, and everything belongs to him.

Matthew 25:14-21 So what are we doing with the resources he blessed us with?

Ecclesiastes 2:26 To the person who pleases him, God gives more.

Bridget: Tithing is an expression of faith. God provides us with everything we need. The only time he asks us to test him is in our giving, and he promises to open the floodgates if we do. It's not the amount that matters, but the heart behind it.

If you missed out on yesterday's sermon by Ivor Botha and Bridget Mokoteli, you can watch it here on our YouTube channel (the sermon starts at 47 mins).


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