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The 7 People that will Help You to Heaven-by Xolani Mthwecu & Ivor Botha

December 11, 2023

Sermon summary:

Xolani --The Prophet: We all need someone who calls you back to the Word of God, proclaim the truth, and what you need to do; no matter how difficult it is. In the Old Testament, we have prophets like Moses, Isaiah, and Jeremiah. The best example of someone who had a prophet in his life was David who was rebuked by Nathan (2 Samuel 12).

In the New Testatment, Jesus was the ultimate prophet. In John 8:10–11 Jesus didn't claim the victory, but called the woman caught in adultery to repentance. He rebuke Peter (Mark 8:33)publicly in front of the other disciples so they too could learn. In Galatians 2:11-14 Paul rebuked Peter for his hypocrisy. In practice, we need to evaluate everything we're told against the Bible, like the Bereans did  (Acts 17:11).

Ivor--The Learner: We all want to be fed, but don't want to do the same for others.

Philippians 4:9 whatever you have learned, put it into practice.

Matthew 28:20 teach others to obey

2 Tim 3:14 Continue. Philippians 3:17 Imitate.

We are reluctant to teach others because we're not Jesus/ are afraid to make a mistake /or have been hurt in the past. God's plan is to use imperfect people to teach imperfect people.

Hebrews 6:11–12 God desires for us to finish the race by imitating others.

Moses trained Joshua.

How does it help me? Gives you a sense if Godly responsibility and accountability.

Encouragement and joy in their victories; God promises to be with me.

Good students make good teachers.

God is in control of the relationships you're in.

Watch the full service here (the sermon starts at 33 mins).

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