Erick Li Sik, The Soulmate:
1 Samuel 18:1-4; Proverbs 18:24; and 1 Samuel 20:41 A soulmate is someone with whom you have a special and deep affinity. It is a unique and special relationship. You need someone who will tell you without fear what you need to hear. It requires a deep sense of trust, a willingness to pay the price for friendship, not afraid to show emotion or affection, and someone who will help you find strength in God.
Danie Vos, The Encourager:
While you can have more than one encourager in your life, everyone needs that one person who knows everything about you. That person will encourage you to be more like Jesus. Practically, it means someone who will pitch up, meet, give, reach out when others don't, help you fulfil God's will for your life, and stand with you even when you stumble.
Acts 15: 36-41; Colossians 4:10
Watch the full service here (the sermon starts at 47 mins)