Blog Post

Supplied to Serve—by Justin Renton

November 14, 2022

Sermon summary:

 Corinthians 9:6–11 Whoever sows sparingly will reap sparingly; he who sows generously, reaps generously.

Four principles of Godly giving:

1. Sowing and Reaping v6

Job 4:8 The way you live

Matthew 7:2 The way you judge others

Luke 6:38 The way you give.

2. Be a cheerful giver v7b

Our hearts need to be behind our giving. When we do, we imitate God's heart

3. Bless you abundantly v8 

Will I fall short if I give to others? God is able to bless you abundantly. Remember who is your supplier—I'll have what I need.

4. Supplied to Serve. v10–11 

Benevolence (Gal 6:4).

Deuteronomy 15:10–11 Give generously without grudging, but with compassion, heart, collaboration.

Watch the full sermon here (starts at 36mins)

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