Blog Post

Shaped to Serve—by Tsepo May

November 7, 2022

Sermon summary:

1. Service Delivery Matthew 20:20–28

Jesus redefined greatness. #Lordshedding. V25–26 It's a personal decision to lord it over people, you decide the stages and schedule. 

V28 Luke 22:27 Jesus came to serve. How are you doing in following Jesus in terms of service delivery? Are you serving others?

Romans 12:6–8 God shaped us to serve using our different gifts, to benefit others.

2.Return on investment (ROI).

Matthew 25:14–30 Having the right mindset is important. We are like one of these servants. Am I using what God provides to produce a result, or complaining about what a hard taskmaster God is? What's going well, and what could be better?

Be willing to learn, seeing it as a pleasure to serve. 

What could be better? Reconsider your position. Fear could be holding you back or feeling inadequate. Judges 6: 13. Go in the strength you have.

3. Call to action. 

Ephesians 4:11–16 Equipped to serve. There's an expectation to do your part bec you've been shaped to serve. 1 Peter 4:10–11 

John 13:17 You will be blessed if you do them.

Watch the full service here (the sermon starts at 43mins)

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