Blog Post

Rooted In Christ—by Rodwell Mugochi

July 18, 2022

Sermon summary:

As Christians we need to be rooted because it helps us grow in Christ

Colossians 2:7 Then we'll be build up in him; In our convictions, understanding, prayer, devotion and our service in God.

  1. Devotion to God.

 Hebrews 11:24–27 By faith, Moses showed courage. Numbers 12:6b–8a. It's a special kind of relationship. It's different from duty "I ought to do it"; discipline says, " I must do this"; Devotion says, "I want to do this". Numbers 31:7 God is the one who tells Moses to go

Psalm 27:4 One thing I seek is to dwell in the house of the Lord... and to see his face. 

Is devotion to God something I want or do people need to remind me?

Matthew 22:37–38 Love God with all your heart, mind and strength. Is there anything or anyone that takes away my devotion to God?

How do I become devoted? Spend regular time with him; read your Bible and pray; pray with others. Practice different spiritual disciplines. Find things to be grateful for. Train your heart and mind to be consumed with God. Do it because you want to.

2. Devotion to God's family.

Matthew 22:39 Love your neighbour as yourself.

Acts 2:42 A community who share a common purpose. The group is more important than the individual. They enjoyed fellowship. Sometimes it's uncomfortable. You need to learn to work together. We need each other.

Acts 4:32 They shared everything. Hebrews 3:13 As long as it's today let us encourage one another.

Hebrews 10:19–23 Let us draw near to God, and let us consider (be deliberate/study/mull over, take a step back, put yourself in their shoes, those who are sensitive, uncommitted, sickly) how to spur on one another. Not give up meeting together. We need to do it God's way.

What bad habits have you developed during Covid that show a lack of devotion?

Challenge: Church is not just for Sunday, but consider how to meet more regularly for prayer times and social occasions.

When we are rooted in Christ devotion comes more naturally.

Watch the full sermon here (it starts at 43mins)

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