Staff & Deacons

North West Region


Ministry Staff
Justin & Irene - Congregational Leaders & North Sector

Ivor and Anna Marie - Marrieds & Family Ministry & West Sector

Jacques & Laura - Campus & Singles Ministry

Remo & Palisa - Teen Ministry & UJ Campus Ministry

These are the Deacons for the Northwest Region and their Responsibilities:

Noel Honey - Benevolence
Mokgethi Tshabalala - Worship
Danie Vos - Finances
Marc Aguirre - Poor outreach Projects
Glenn Harvey - CARE Centre
Tsepo May - Technical 

Financial Sub-Committee
The Financial Sub-Committee for the Northwest region consists of these members:

Amanda Sebolai 
Eric Li Sik (Administrator) 
Glen Harvey
Fungai Blake
Justin Renton

Ministry Advisory Group
Proverbs 15:22 Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed.
Proverbs 24:6 for waging war you need guidance, and for victory many advisers.

The bible is clear that having an advisory group is a wise thing to have in order for success and victory. These men have been chosen as the current advisory group because of their experience, spirituality, ministries and victories they have won in their personal lives. This group may expand as other spiritual men and women become available to serve in this capacity.

The men and women are:

Mokgheti Tshabalala
Xolani Mthwecu
Rebone Motsatsi
Chris & Luna Ratebe
Erick & Vida Lisik
Marc & Keri Aguirre
Danie & Adri Vos
SN & Ros Middle
Maxine Kotane
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