
North West Region

A poster that says
Psalm 78:5-6
"He decreed statutes for Jacob and established the law in Israel, which he commanded our forefathers to teach their children, so the next generation would know them, even the children yet to be born, and they in turn would tell their children."
Most of us have memories of attending a church or Sunday school when we were younger. Today, the popularised message is to expose young children to every faith and allow them to make their own choices. God has a different view. He is all for choice, and will never force us to love Him or to follow Him, but to us as parents He makes a promise regarding our children:

"Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not turn from it" ~ Proverbs 22:6 ~

We believe that from the start, children can love getting to know God. That is why our Children's Church coordinators are constantly working, together with our parents, to provide a fun, save, learning environment, created to nurture the love for God that has been planted by God in our children's hearts (Eccl 3:11)

6 coordinators, who are passionate about encouraging children of all ages to know and love God, oversee our team of 54 volunteer teachers. Each member of our team is committed to making the KidzZone the best hour and a half in each child's week.

Our programme caters for babies from 3 months of age, to pre-teens (12 years old).

09h45 - 11h45:
Our children start their time with us singing and playing Bible-based games.

10h00 - 10h15:
A group of enthusiastic actors present a Bible lesson for the morning, making the scriptures come alive in the children's hearts as they involve them in exciting Old and New Testament stories.

10h15 - 11h00:
David's Brave-hearts, Joseph's Dreamers and Joshua's Warriors divide into smaller groups according to their ages and developmental stages. Each group is facilitated by a team of teachers who guide the children in applying the Bible lesson to their lives (through crafts, interactive discussions and play) and encourage them to make decisions which will bring them closer to loving God, themselves and others.

In this day and age we cannot emphasize the safety and protection of children enough. Children's Church has a strict security system for signing children in and out and for visits to the bathroom during church activities.  

Everyone is welcome, regardless of culture, race and background. We aim to pack our KidzZone with fun-filled memories for all and so inspire our children to make spiritual decisions which they will be grateful for and will impact them for eternity.
0-18 Months
A poster that says god made me kidz zone

Experienced parents, who use music and play to expose these young hearts and minds to early Bible tunes and stimulating activities, care for our babies. 
1-3 Years
Moses' Mighty Ones
A poster that says god loves me kidz zone

Storytelling, singing and craft-making is used to stimulate these young minds about 3 foundational beliefs:
  1. God made me
  2. God loves me
  3. God wants to be my friend
4-6 Years

The teachers keep these little hands busy with fun crafts and practical activities. Themes are dedicated to opening their eyes and hearts to God's wonders and His love for them as little children.
Grade 1-2
A book called joshua 's warriors has a cartoon of jesus holding a horn

Children of this age, are hungry learners, and to keep their appetite for God growing - the lessons are designed ,with much enthusiasm, to be interactive, engaging and to stimulate creativity!
Grade 3-4
A book called joseph 's dreamers has a picture of joseph on the cover

Children at this age, need to create strong peer relationships and learnt to build their own strong opinions on what will make God happy. The teachers focus on capturing their attention and imagination to inspire this group to want to know and love God.
Pre-Teens: God's Gladiators

The pre-teen group needs to develop strong convictions and the strength to stand up for God's right values in a world where they are bombarded by unhealthy influences. Our teachers aim to guide these vulnerable hearts to love and respect God, themselves and others.
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