Blog Post

Making Change, Part 3—Giving is Good, by Tsepo May

May 9, 2022

Summary of sermon:

  1. Giving is Good

1 John 4:8 What does God give? Love. Because he so loved the world, he gave us his Son.

Ephesians 4:16 We have a community/the body/ the church which build itself up in love by giving in service.

Acts 20:35 It is more blessed to give than to receive.

2 Corinthians 9:11 We don't give because we are struggling, have giving fatigue, or because we've been abused in the past. Guard against not wanting to give; we have a scarcity mindset. 

Generosity should be a river mentality (fresh, see God as your provider, a feast, gives time, resources away on a daily basis; sees resources

A swamp mentality holds on and doesn't give.

Proverbs 11: 24–25 the world of the giver gets bigger.

2. How much should I give? Plan your generosity.

2 Corinthians 9:7 Give what you've decided to give, not because you must.

Matthew 25 Whatever you've done for the least, you do for Jesus. What have you done for Jesus lately?

James 1:27 Look after the widows and orphans.

2 Corinthians 9:5 Plan your giving. Isaiah 32:8 Generous people plan.

3. Start being generous now.

Philemon 1:6 Put generosity into practice. It doesn't have be huge. Start small.

Luke 6:38 We are called to be a blessing to others; we will be blessed when we give.

Watch the full service here. (The sermon starts at 51 mins)

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