Dr Ben Barnett, Chief Evangelist for HOPEww, shared a lesson entitled, Trust the Process. The main points were:
1. Great Calling, Matthew 4:18–22
2. Great Commandment. Matthew 22:34–40 Jesus condensed over six hundred commandments into two—Love God and love people. Deuteronomy 6:4—the Shema. Remind yourself to begin and end each day with God. Eventually you'll love him, and the Bible. If you don't love God everything else (making disciples, going to church, praying, reading the Bible, serving, etc) you'll do out of duty and obedience but not because you really believe it or out of love for God.
3. Great Curriculum. Matthew 5:1 to Matthew 7:29 contains all you need to know about being a disciple or follower of Jesus.
4. Great Compassion. Matthew 25:31–46 When I was hungry you gave me food, etc
Jesus wouldn't have sent them out to make disciples without love for God and without compassion.
Matthew 25 (having compassion for people and caring for them) comes before Matthew 28:18–20 (the Great Commission to go make disciples).
Read the gospels and see Jesus talk and watch his interactions with people. Then, imitate Christ. (1 Corinthians 13:1).
You can watch the full sermon here (it starts at 1:03:00).