Ephesians 6:12 The battle we face is not against flesh & blood. Sin (our moral failures) is just one part.
The spiritual powers and authorities work together to divide us.
Isaiah 24 God says he'll judge them together. We see the effect of their work when we see division, conflict, hatred among people in the world around us.
Ephesians 1:3–5; 18–21 God has brought us together as his people to be his agents, with a shared identity.
V18–23 Christ has defeated the powers and authorities by the grace of God. We don't see it.
We are evidence that Christ has defeated the powers and authorities. It's hard work. If it was easy the world would be doing it.
V12–15 Christ has done what the world couldn't do.
Ephesians 3:v6, 10 God's intent and wisdom is on display through what we do united as his church. His reputation is on the line.
V14, 15–21 you'll understand and know the love of Christ.
Unity is cosmically important.
Ephesians 5: Follow God's example as his children, imitate him.
Ephesians 6:12–17 Put on the armour of God
Watch the full sermon here (it starts at 46mins)