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Christ@Work: Bringing Jesus into the Workplace—by Mike Rowell and Dr Lisa Wigfall

August 20, 2023

Sermon summary:

Is this your attitude: How can God be glorified at my work and in the community?

Quote: "I pray hard, work hard, and leave the rest to God."—Florence Griffith Joyner.

Colossians 3:23–24 Does your job matter to God?

Things can become contentious in the workplace. Jesus needs to be Lord even when you're not being recognised for what you do. Do you wait for recognition from your boss? Who do you want to get praise from?

Lisa—Titus 2:3–5 Your convictions can shine through at work, just by your example, when you don't follow the crowd in their behaviour.

1 Cor 15:58 Give yourself fully to the Lord. Have you allowed your job to move you away from the Lord (staying late, working all the time, etc). It never has a good ending. Being a (wo) man of integrity/trustworthy/not a gossip/ or taking advantage of people. Decide how you'll conduct yourself at work. Do you live out yr faith and do others see it? Is yr work a ministry or just a way to pay bills?

James 1:5 Sometimes you don't know how to deal with yourr colleagues. Ask God for wisdom.

James 1:2–4 Trials are set up by God. E.g. Conflict at work; or you are reprimanded or overlooked.

Philippians 1:27 Conduct yourself in a manner worthy of the cross.

Philippians 2:1–4 Recognising others before yrself. Making people feel valued, recognised and respected.

Lisa: Be grateful for having a job/being able work remotely. Be an example, treat others with kindness.

Hebrews 12:1–3 Don't give up or become weary. Fix your eyes on Jesus. Only he can fix all our issues. He must be our target, trust him.

  1. Work as if working for the Lord. How is your week going to be different at work in your conduct? People are watching and in need of God's grace. 2. Have an attitude of gratitude. How's your attitude? 3. Trust Jesus at work when things don't go your way.

You can watch the full service here (the sermon starts at 42mins)

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